Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9-8-13 North to the North Arm!

Sunday, September 8th 

When the whale adventurer, photographer, editor and writer are all the same person and when that person gets a nasty cold...well, what comes first are the that's why blog posts have been scarce lately!

...all three pods were here this morning...the fog began to roll in lingered on the shore for a while...luckily it was clear out where the whales were... the afternoon J and K pods were heading back toward shore and up island...L pod whales made it to the lighthouse only to turn and go back down and looked to be going west...
...Spock K-20 heading up island...
...fuzzy Scoter K-25 (his tag wound is on his other side) and Sekiu K-22 and Tika in the distance...
...and since I'm posting this a few days later, no one has seen L pod since the 8th which = out...J and K pods stayed at the Fraser River for a night and a full day...that's the second time whales have done that lately, and they were all the way to the North Arm of the Fraser I was told.
It makes me wonder if maybe more Chinook salmon are coming down to the Fraser from the northern entrance...
...this year the whales have been very clear about that.
find the food they eat = finding the whales

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