Monday, October 12, 2015

10-12-15 Residents In the Night and Ts in the Daylight

Wednesday - Monday, October 7 - 12th
...from whales in the night on more than one occasion... stormy seas that kept everyone off the water...
...Residents and Transients...
...some heard their blows in the late night...
...and at the same time...
...some heard nothing over the hydrophones...

...wee hours of the morning and until a bit after 5 a.m. mostly K and L pod calls...with a couple J pod calls...
...figured they would be seen in a bit...nope!
...none of them were seen at all...

...instead there were transients in at least two places...
...out on the Western Prince we meet up with the T49As off the west side of the island...they had made a kill sometime before we got on scene and were now sort of bunched up...
...but they didn't look like they were resting...
...but they were going really slow...and hardly moving at all...
...the choppy seas didn't help matters...but each time T49A1 dove he wiggled...if that makes any could see the front of his body sort of wiggling...he had to have had a piece of meat with him and was eating on it...or maybe he was holding it so someone could rip off a piece...they have to use their teeth for that...
...however, there were no gulls...maybe too windy for them today...
...but the rest of the family seemed to be very interested in him!
...after a bit of this, when he surfaced again he was off from his mother and two siblings...ah..another hunt was on...
...he zigged and zagged but not with much 'to do about it'...
(oops! - there should be an 'e' in that word!)
...and then 9 minutes later he had a piece of meat in his mouth...
...had he just made another kill or was it something he had been taking along with him?

...the T49As were now heading west...

...we went looking for a humpback...and there you are!...that was easy! the end of the day there was still no word on the whereabouts of the Residents...only one other whale in a 'resting mode' at the moment... guess was that they had gone up north...but their calls were not all that conclusive...maybe we should send this orca to find the real orcas!

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