Sunday, June 25, 2017

6-25-17 J Pod and Others All Day Long -Part 1

Sunday, June 25th - Part 1
...J Pod came down from very faint K Pod call over the Lime Kiln hydrophones in the night had me out the door really, really early...I picked up the whales down island near Salmon Bank...and if you don't know, that is significant because it isn't named Salmon Bank for no reason :)

...I immediately let the Center for Whale Research know and in a while they were on their way...and so were the whales - coming up island...

...the last time J Pod and Onyx had been seen was June 1st...gone out to sea for three weeks just a few days shorter than their last long absence...

...eventually all J Pod, Onyx L-87, and the four K14s came by!  Haven't seen any of the K14s since last October, though K Pod was here in early March...
...they continued up island and so did I... looks like summer is here...lots of behaviors out there from boats and from whales...some of the water craft shifted my focus for a while...

...the whales continued up but it just didn't seem like they were committed to go north...a while later they turned and came back down island...

...the majority of the whales were coming along but were farther off to Lime Kiln again...
...knowing the rest of the 'kelp' group was coming and the rest of the 29 whales were on their way...well that's part two...
here's a teaser for that...
...doesn't get much better than that...that is until you realized that not only are they coming back find out later that...part 2...

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